OK the title got you to read on. This chapter is full of sayings for the wise. But they aren’t like the ones we hear everyday like; “Red sky in the morning sailor take warning”, “Madder than a stomped frog”, “Never eat spinach with a stranger”, or this gem “Duct tape is like "The Force." It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together’ (check out Charles Spurgeon’s John Plowman’s Talks for Godly plain wisdom). Wisdom isn’t a laughing matter although worldly wisdom is.
God made it clear in Proverbs 22 what was important. Here is a quick highlight: A good reputation or character is better than gold. Think about it, we all have known wealthy folks that are simply “not nice” people. If you are generous you will be blessed but if you work to increase you wealth by hurting those who have little will end up poor; I read this quote and thought it really spoke to this portion of scripture; -We’ve all been down. The strong among us have picked ourselves back up and tried again with a clenched smile and renewed determination. Sometimes though even the strong can’t pick themselves up and they need help. Help is a gift. In order for a gift to truly appreciated it needs to be given freely without expectation and accepted graciously for then it is a liberating and uplifting experience for both parties-Unknown- If you love with a pure heart you will have the King for a friend! The whore is a dangerous trap and if you ignore the Lord you will fall in. But I think my favorite is when the lazy man says, “If I go outside to work the lion will eat me.” Sounds like it might be the world’s worst excuse to avoid work.
As you continue to read through this chapter God continues to teach us and instructs us to keep this wisdom in our heart and it will be ready on our lips. What are some of these things you may ask (I know not all of you are reading this passage so I will “Clif note” it here but you better check and make sure I’m right)? This section of Proverbs 22 gets tough on us in Modern Day America. Here goes; don’t take advantage of the poor, don’t be friends with an angry guy, don’t go into debt, and finally watch out who you are generous to they may take advantage of you. Wait you better check that list one of those may not be in Proverbs 22.
The one that strikes home to me in today’s culture is “Do not move the boundary stones set in place by your forefathers”. Do we not constantly push the boundary stone out a little everyday? It wasn’t long ago that pornography; gambling and disrespect for authority were all considered taboo; now these things are looked at as mainstream and a part of life in America. What are you watching? Friends re-runs, Two and a Half Men, Desperate Housewives? Are you going to the movies and watching Hangover or Drag Me to Hell? What are you measuring your choices against? Do you think that since so and so went and saw this movie or I chatted with them about this show it’s OK? It matters not who they are even if they are someone you think is “spiritual”. What matters is who God has called you to be. Read these instructions in Proverbs 22! Think about what you are doing and who you are. There will come a day when all this will fade away and it will be just you and Christ standing face to face. What do you hope He’ll say to you?
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